212 389 2535, 917 226 8663
Dominican Republic - Ritmex Consultora S.R.L.
Malaysia - Zero Emission Resources Sdn Bhd

Without innovation and a change in our current course, the world will continue to be overwhelmed with rubbish, refuse, garbage and other forms of waste materials. Most of these waste materials are being buried for future generations to deal with. All over the world  landfills are no longer accepting waste and those that can are concerned about ever tightening regulatory scrutiny. Each year we discover more about the ill effects of centralized, landfill waste disposal practices of the past. While the abundance of renewable waste material grows every day , the world's energy supply is at the other end of the spectrum. Our dependence on conventional power production in all economies using fossil fuels such  as oil has continued to shift our dependence towards the Middle East and "BIG OIL". It seems that we all are looking past the continued devastation of our environment non worse than the recent B P Gulf of Mexico disaster.

The good news is that MP Energy LLC is helping to bring positive and beneficial change to the world's environment and improve general waste disposal methodology through innovative Renewable Energy Solutions that will help meet the future energy needs worldwide.

Along with our business associations with world class equipment suppliers and service providers, the management of MP Energy has a combined 150+ years of experience involving waste disposal, energy production, chemistry, and business management. The team assembled has the management expertise, technological knowledge, and experience necessary to implement, construct, maintain, and build a company as set forth in this Business Plan. Please see the management biographies at the end of this document.

In addition to our in-house expertise and project opportunities, the most critical advantage of our Renewable Energy Model is the integrated technology solution, described later in detail. Our intent is to provide turnkey, renewable energy projects and form public/private joint venture operating companies. We have proven technology, engineering, and construction capabilities that will afford us the ability to standardize and replicate the plant design and project approach anywhere in the world.

Going forward, MP Energy development of long term feedstock agreements with tire distributors, governments, and landfills for the feedstock, or "fuel", will allow MP Energy to open multiple locations using an integrated technology solution throughout the U.S. and abroad. The number of potential sites identified thus far indicates tremendous market potential. Through the continued sourcing of additional, site-specific JV Partners, MP Energy is experiencing a tremendous amount of enthusiasm for the Renewable Energy Solution and its environmental benefits.

MP Energy business model and technology will be replicated in both company-owned plants throughout North America and Joint Venture arrangements throughout the world. MP Energy in partnership with ICM will provide the management, engineering, equipment suppliers, and consultancy to implement a Joint Venture/Franchise business model.

There are two principal advantages of the technology solution that are beneficial for replicating additional plants around the country. The first includes the by-products that are produced, that can be tailored to meet specific market-driven, geographic demands. The second is the modularity and transportability of the systems that support a highly profitable, cost efficient growth model for decentralized power production as well as scalability. The more systems installed, the lower the cost will be per unit. We will also have the ability to build smaller units in regions that cannot support large facilities but have a need for the technology and support services.

The energy opportunity presents itself for several reasons. First and foremost we offer an alternative, renewable energy approach that solves both ends of the equation: significant reduction in environmental impacts while decreasing dependence on conventional, non-renewable energy fuel sources.

Additionally, utilities are acknowledging that under present regulatory, operational, and economic constraints, there must be diversification away from large central power plants to more distributive production closer to population centers. There are huge costs and significant energy losses from transmission of electricity today thereby promoting more decentralized power production. These losses were historically protected by the utility and fossil fuel industries. Considering the aging of the transmission infrastructure, stresses within the grid that raise significant reliability issues, and the increasing demand for renewable energy portfolio standards, it is apparent that the timing is perfect for MP Energy technology and projets.